DFSAWhat We Do


The DFSA is an integrated principles-based regulator that follows a risk-based approach in the supervision of regulated firms, including Financial Institutions, Registered Auditors, and Credit Rating Agencies. The DFSA’s risk-based approach to the supervision of a firm may vary depending upon the nature, scale, complexity, size and circumstances of each individual firm and the specific risks it poses to the DFSA’s objectives.

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AML, CTF & Sanctions Compliance

DFSA approach to Anti-Money Laundering, Combating the Financing of Terrorism and Counter Proliferation Financing Money laundering, terrorist and proliferation financing can destabilise communities, economic sectors, or national economies. Criminals and terrorist networks may be able to carry out their criminal and potentially destructive activities via a multitude of mechanisms and structures by transforming the proceeds of illicit activities into legitimate money.

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The DFSA’s Enforcement function (Enforcement) supports the achievement of the DFSA’s objectives set out in Article 8(3) of the Regulatory Law 2004, particularly by preventing, detecting and restraining conduct that causes or may cause damage to the reputation of the DIFC or the financial services industry in the DIFC, and protecting direct and indirect users and prospective users of the financial services industry in the DIFC.

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International Relations

To achieve our objectives, the DFSA fosters and maintains relationships with other regulatory agencies within Dubai and the UAE, as well as with international bodies, regulators and organisations. For ease of access, a number of links to local registers, the DIFC's two exchanges, DIFC Court decisions, local and English language news sources and telephone directories are provided here.

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Authorisation Services

In order to conduct Financial Services in or from the DIFC, firms need to become authorised and obtain a licence from the DFSA. To conduct a Designated Non-Financial Business or Profession in or from the DIFC, firms need to be registered by the DFSA. As a risk-based regulator, the DFSA conducts initial assessments to ensure firms adhere to the DFSA’s standards of conduct and business.

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Sustainable Finance

The global financial sector has a critical role to play in supporting long-term sustainable development and a successful and orderly transition to a low-carbon economy. At the heart of this effort are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the global commitment made by nations in the Paris Agreement to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, via well-managed decarbonisation efforts, for the purpose of limiting global temperature rises.

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